Over time, you could end up dealing with sprinkler irrigation issues. Luckily, you can turn to sprinkler irrigation system repair in West Palm Beach to fix your device.
If you don’t want your irrigation system to fail, you’ll need to take care of it properly. To help you keep track of your home’s irrigation system, here are some things you can do to improve your property’s lawn irrigation.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, most lawns must be watered once every four to eight days to keep them healthy.
While hot and dry summer days call for more water, it’s only natural that you should use less water during the rainy season. Water will easily penetrate your soil during the rainy months since your lawn will be primarily moist. By following this method, you can help ease the load off your irrigation system.
Avoid Watering in the Middle of the Day
If you start watering in the middle of the day, the water will evaporate fast and won’t reach your plant’s root zone. This will require your irrigation system to pump out more water. Instead of water in the middle of the day, water your plants early in the morning or at night.
Observing proper home irrigation techniques will not only improve your lawn, but it will also help properly maintain your irrigation system. Here at O’Hara Sprinkler, our team can help repair your irrigation system and give you tips on how to maintain it. Contact us today to find out more!